Aikido is a branch of martial arts originating from Japan land. This martial art created by Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969), an expert in martial arts master the ancient Japanese martial arts like jujutsu, kenjutsu and yarijutsu. Morihei Ushiba change various martial arts techniques with various modifications and improvements to become its own self-defense if the motion which he named Aikido.
Aikido, as a phenomenon of self-defense, is quite unique. Aikido is an inseparable duality between self-defense techniques and philosophy. On the first side, aikido serves as a tool or a way of defending themselves. As a philosophy, aikido is a "way of life" or way of looking to "see" and live your life. aikido purposes not only formed the practitioner to be able to defend themselves against attack your opponent, but also increase the "awareness" of the existence of a practitioner's spiritual self, others and the universe.
The concept of martial arts aikido techniques such as use of physical factors and energy toward your opponent to use self defense in dropping the attacker. Labor opponent is not opposed, but discharged or reversed to the original. The way this defense martial will not be too physically demanding self defense in the face of the attacker, so this can be done by all the people both men and women of various ages.
The concept of martial arts aikido techniques such as use of physical factors and energy toward your opponent to use self defense in dropping the attacker. Labor opponent is not opposed, but discharged or reversed to the original. The way this defense martial will not be too physically demanding self defense in the face of the attacker, so this can be done by all the people both men and women of various ages.
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