Atemi literally means a blow. Aikido does not specifically teach and train the punch and kick techniques, although very important function in aikido atemi own. Functions atemi in aikido is not to knock down the attacker, because it was not the main focus atemi aikido techniques. Atemi function more as a tool to divide and destroy the equilibrium concentration of opponents. Opponent's attack.
The defense saw a gap open themselves to break the concentration of opponents. Say it is the opponent's ribs. As he signed with irimi motion, the defense is self-giving to the ribs atemi opponent. It happened in an instant. As quickly as the attack came. The attacker will subside momentarily. Concentration will be split between strategy and efforts to assault with a pain in the ribs, so the attacker is disoriented for a moment the attack. At a time like this, will the momentum of the attack despite a vacancy occurs in just seconds. However, little time was enough to give an opportunity for self-defense techniques for applying the neutralization of an attack and make the opponent fall. In this condition, atemi more useful to simplify and make way for the application of aikido techniques such as neutralization slam attacks, throws or joint locks. The final goal is settlement fights these neutralization techniques. Knock Out your opponent is not beating.
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