The key is mastering aikido practice (Keiko). Without the essence of the exercise, aikido only limited theory. But once the physical exercise alone, without trying to understand the concept of aikido is like trying to get philosophical egg shell without content. Aikido exercise begins with sitting lined up facing kamiza (altar aikido). Drill instructor gestured toward the dojo in honor kamiza, then led the meditation for a few minutes.
Meditation is held two times, when the training will begin and when it is completed. Usually the first session of meditation aims to neutralize these thoughts outside the training topics that might be carried before entering the dojo. Such thoughts are cleaned in order to concentrate more on training practitioners. Problems at home or work should not affect a person's emotions when practicing, so that would be an objective exercise. The second Meditation, aiming to clear the mind and emotions that may arise during the exercise, so that when practitioners out dojo he would not carry out a problem in the dojo.
In practice, the distinction of matter between the senior and junior technique is almost not there. They practice the same technique. Techniques trained in pairs because the exercise requires absolute aikido partner. How to practice martial arts like this uniquely numbered.
In practice, the distinction of matter between the senior and junior technique is almost not there. They practice the same technique. Techniques trained in pairs because the exercise requires absolute aikido partner. How to practice martial arts like this uniquely numbered.
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